Advent, Prepare the Way
for The Vine Church Ltd.
The Brief
Advent, Prepare the way, was a sermon series to give congregants the space to reflect for Christmas. The series was scheduled right before it as a preparation.
Advent was a sermon series with four weeks, one topic each week. It is a narrative of the journey of John the Baptist in the desert altogether. In the last week of the sermon, he released the crowd to follow Jesus. I have to illustrate a narrative while providing a space/visual for congregants to contemplate which is the goal of this sermon.
The Solution
A 3D desert was made to simulate the situation of John the Baptist in the desert, this desert can be manipulated in different orientations and different angles. Effects are added to make it more immersive e.g. the contrast and the texture of the sand. Different times of the day were simulated to show the passing of time, symbols representing the current week were also embedded in the graphics as the narrative.
The Posters
A 3D printed frame in the form of white branches was accompanied to resemble a barren land. It can be seen as a sculpture together with the visual in frame. We tried to portray a landscape with a feeling of emptiness in which congregants can contemplate. A minimalistic artistic direction was applied to enhance the contemplativeness.
Using the visuals developed, they are adapted into different dimensions and applied on the medium related. These slides are for the sermon on Sunday.
Social Media and Mailchimp
Using the visuals developed, they are adapted into different dimensions and applied on the medium related. These are for Instagram posts and Mailchimp.